How to Look Up a Child Support Payment by the Docket Number in New Jersey
By Angie Gambone

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In New Jersey, if your child support is paid through the Probation Department, your case will be assigned two account numbers. The first is a docket number that is assigned automatically by the court at the initial time the case starts. The second is a child support number that gets assigned once the court determines the amount of child support. If you need to review a child support account, you can use either the docket number or the child support number.
Locating Account Numbers
Review the first page of any court document that contains the name of the parties involved. The docket number will be at the top right-hand side and will usually start with the letters FM or FD.
Examine the first page of any document from the court that deals specifically with child support. The child support account number will be at the top of this page and always begins with the letters CS and ends with a capital letter.
In the alternative, call your or visit your local courthouse and ask for assistance in locating your docket number or child support number.
By Phone
Call 1-877-NJ-KIDS-1 once you have found the account numbers. You will be asked to enter the docket number. Information about your account will be provided or you can press zero to speak to an operator.
Contact your local child support office. Offices are divided by county and phone numbers can be found on the website.
Call the courthouse where you received your paperwork and they can transfer you to the appropriate department.
Go to the web site and click on "Case Information" at the top of the screen.
Enter the CS number, your date of birth and the last four digits of your Social Security number.
Click on the categories at the top of the page to view up to thirteen months of payment history. You can also click "View All Relevant Case Data" to see all account activity.
If you cannot locate the docket number or child support number, you can go to your local courthouse for assistance.
If you cannot access your account online, be sure you included the correct account number and identifying information.
Writer Bio
Angie Gambone is an attorney who has been writing for various websites since 2009. She covers a variety of topics, focusing on legal issues, family law and LGBT rights. Gambone holds a bachelor's degree in social work from Rutgers University and a law degree from Rutgers School of Law, where she graduated with honors in 2010.