How to Give a Child up for Adoption
By Melissa Scarr
Updated April 18, 2017

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Choosing adoption can be one of the most difficult decisions an expectant mother can face when she is pregnant. Pregnancy can be a difficult time for a mother-to-be in the first place, and if a woman knows that she cannot raise a baby at that time in her life, a pending adoption can weigh heavily on her emotions. While the mental stress can be rough on a pregnant woman, the adoption process is fairly easy.
Contact an adoption agency or adoption attorney to discuss placing your child up for adoption. Request information and reading materials to familiarize yourself with the adoption process.
Read over the adoption paperwork and contact the adoption agency or attorney with any questions. Fill out the medical history form and return it to your representative.
Choose an adoptive family for the unborn baby. There are two options to determine a good family for the child. The first option is to have your representative arrange for a meeting between you and the prospective family, and the second is to have the agency or attorney select a family on your behalf. The method you choose is solely based on personal preference.
Contact your representative immediately upon going into labor. The representative will make the necessary arrangements for the adoptive parents to be at the hospital for, or immediately following, the birth of the child.
Sign the adoption paperwork if all parties are still in acceptance of the adoption and place the baby in the care of the adoptive parents. If you choose to change your mind after the birth of the child, you do not have to finalize the adoption.
Relinquishing parental rights through adoption can be emotionally distressing for a woman. Talk to your doctor if you exhibit signs of depression following the adoption.
Writer Bio
Melissa Scarr began writing in 2002 for the Northern Illinois University newspaper, the "Northern Star." She has vast experience in real estate finance, gardening and early childhood behavior. Since 2005, Scarr has worked in the financial services industry. She has a duel Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from Northern Illinois University.